Building Brand Loyalty with Direct Mail

Brand Loyalty has everything to do with how customers perceive your brand.

It’s the process of turning repeat customers into loyal customers.

Direct mail loyalty campaigns can achieve the following…

• Build Trust

• Create Comfort

• Solve a customer’s problems

• Anticipate your customer needs.

• Enable and encourage brand advocacy.

Choose words carefully

• Simply through word choice products can sound better.

• The right words can build an emotional connection with your customers.

• Choose words that convey a feeling of trust.

Use of color

• Color choices reflect mood or feelings.

• Choose colors that represent your brands personality.

Craft a sense of belonging

• Creating an authentic connection will build lasting relationships.

• Emotionally connected customers are more than twice as loyal as highly satisfied customers.

Call to Action

• Choose words that make consumers feel that they are taking part in something when they take action.

• Feelings of empowerment and value will begin to form when words or phrases resonate with consumers.

• Select a persuasive word that will lead to the action you want the reader to take.

•Try combining words that create a call to action phrase. Requests a specific action by a certain deadline.

Call Schneider Graphics 847-550-4310. We can help set up a direct mail campaign.